Orchestra chair with sound shield
The sound shield follows the contours of the back rest
The Falko sound shield in the S 500 and S 550 series may also be delivered pre-mounted on the back rest of the orchestra chairs.
In addition to the adjustment possibilities of the Falko sound shields, the sound shield follows any back rest adjustments as required by the musician sitting in the chair.
As the Falko S 500 and S 550 sound shields are attached to the orchestra chairs they do not require extra space.
The need for sound shielding increases when space is limited.
This is the case in orchestra pits or on small platforms and stages where sound pressure may be extreme – Falko sound shields always redress sound pressure problems.
The fixing mechanism with its numerous adjustment possibilities has been specially developed for use with the Falko orchestra chairs/office chairs, however, it can most probably also be used with the chairs you use in your orchestra.